A Smarter Mailbox reduces time spent finding important emails
View inbox by message or by Conversation
Drag and drop messages into folders or onto Tag(s)
Share tags across applications and mailboxes
Messages may have multiple Tags and act as ‘virtual folders’
Instant filtering of direct messages, distribution lists, feeds, and notifications
Move bulk or unimportant email out of Inbox to Activity Streams
Email Compose Tabs eliminate the need for new windows with every message
Multiple email compose or calendar event tabs may be open at the same time
Tabs simplify context switching between email and calendar
Rich compose with cut and paste from desktop apps and inline images
Attach multiple files from either your computer or Briefcase
Autocomplete to contacts in your personal or Global Address List (GAL)
Integration of email, contacts and calendar makes toggling between them unnecessary
Preview your daily schedule next to a meeting invite in email
Drag a message onto the Email Calendar Widget to automatically create a meeting with the email recipients, including any attachments and email note
Drag a message onto Contact Collector to add all message recipients to your Address Book
Recover gracefully with Undo Send, Restore Email and Scheduled Delivery
Choose a default delay time between 2 – 20 seconds for messages to be actually sent through the mail queue after hitting the Send button
Recover deleted items from the Trash folder for up to 30 days (administrator configurable)
Choose Send Later from the Send button drop-down to select a future date, time and even time zone to send an email
Simple sharing with Delegated Access to inbox or folders
Right-click on your inbox, a folder or sub-folder and share it within or outside your workgroup (administrators may disable public share if security policy does not allow it)
Grant others View, Manage or Administration rights
Allow delegates to reply ‘on behalf of’
Share message folders to collaborate with project teams