A Smarter Mailbox reduces time spent finding important emails

  • View inbox by message or by Conversation
  • Drag and drop messages into folders or onto Tag(s)
  • Share tags across applications and mailboxes
  • Messages may have multiple Tags and act as ‘virtual folders’
  • Instant filtering of direct messages, distribution lists, feeds, and notifications
  • Move bulk or unimportant email out of Inbox to Activity Streams

Email Compose Tabs eliminate the need for new windows with every message

  • Multiple email compose or calendar event tabs may be open at the same time
  • Tabs simplify context switching between email and calendar
  • Rich compose with cut and paste from desktop apps and inline images
  • Attach multiple files from either your computer or Briefcase
  • Autocomplete to contacts in your personal or Global Address List (GAL)

Integration of email, contacts and calendar makes toggling between them unnecessary

  • Preview your daily schedule next to a meeting invite in email
  • Drag a message onto the Email Calendar Widget to automatically create a meeting with the email recipients, including any attachments and email note
  • Drag a message onto Contact Collector to add all message recipients to your Address Book

Recover gracefully with Undo Send, Restore Email and Scheduled Delivery

  • Choose a default delay time between 2 – 20 seconds for messages to be actually sent through the mail queue after hitting the Send button
  • Recover deleted items from the Trash folder for up to 30 days (administrator configurable)
  • Choose Send Later from the Send button drop-down to select a future date, time and even time zone to send an email

Simple sharing with Delegated Access to inbox or folders

  • Right-click on your inbox, a folder or sub-folder and share it within or outside your workgroup (administrators may disable public share if security policy does not allow it)
  • Grant others View, Manage or Administration rights
  • Allow delegates to reply ‘on behalf of’
  • Share message folders to collaborate with project teams